
Showing posts from June, 2020

Advertise with Us

Manufacturers and Dealers of Various Brands can choose to Advertise with Us.    We have various plans which are as below You can choose to place a rotating Banner at the Site , charged at Pay Per Click. 1USD$ gets you 50 clicks to your mentioned Site. You can also place a Static Text at the Home page of netbaniya at 100USD per year / 130 for 2yrs / 150 for 3yrs.  With 3000+ hits daily at the site you definitely gain.

We make Us Richer

When we order from BB, DM, RM or any other Online supplier, we support and help the Rich get Richer. The benefits accrued are all to the Company and their owners/shareholders Time we changed the rules of the Game. The time and efforts we put in should help us improve our standards of living. Netbaniya is the better way to attain this goal. No more others. We work for ourselves and we help improve the lives of our brothers, the common man.    The profits earned, is all for us to keep. To help the system sustain, we only need to pay a marginal franchise fee. Incredible as it may sound, it is the Truth.

The Next Step Forward is Upward

Now that you have decided to stand on your own two feet, you are willing to Run the Extra Mile, to get you where you want to be.... Yes Right on Top of the Pyramid. Six months have elapsed since you started. Now's the time to grow. You started with Provisions, and today you have graduated to almost all Categories and sub Categories.    Remember, the thumb rule is  No Compromise on Quality, and Quantity . What you say is what you give. The price you display is what they are willing to pay when they order.   Interact with your clients, and find out why they are not adding other products from your store to their purchase. Feedback is always important to take corrective steps. If you can earn even small margins, it is better than earning nothing, as long as you don't make a losing proposition. While the margins you operate maybe low, the volumes increase your net turnover and your take home.

Small Time invested and a lifetime Earning

There is actually no such thing as a free lunch unless you are really lucky. You always have to invest at least some time and effort, in what you do, and as we all know time equals money.     However, if you are looking into ways to earn online, here are some ways you can do it. Most of these are generally well known but you might find something new and useful. At netbaniya your income is through your sincere efforts. You need to be willing to slog it out till you secure your first 50 clients After this the system takes over and you need to flow with it. The average time spent is 1 hour daily initially for which you can expect Rs 5000/- as your earnings for the month after 3 months. Subsequently with increasing time spent working on the site, for an 8 hour daily invested, you should earn Rs 40000/- Anything less, means you are doing something wrong and need to seek advice from the helpline numbers mentioned on the site.